caspian pond turtle for sale

The Caspian pond turtle (Mauremys caspica), also known as the striped-neck terrapin or Caspian turtle, is a species of freshwater turtle native to the Middle East and surrounding regions. Here are some key specifications and characteristics:

Physical Description

  • Size: Adult Caspian pond turtles typically reach a length of 14-20 cm (5.5-7.9 inches), with some individuals growing larger.

  • Shell (Carapace): The shell is relatively flat and oval-shaped, with a smooth texture. The coloration is usually olive-green to brown, often with darker spots or patterns. The edges of the shell may have a slight flare.

  • Plastron: The underside of the shell (plastron) is lighter in color, often yellowish with dark blotches on the scutes.

  • Head and Limbs: The head is relatively small with a pointed snout. The skin is olive-green to brown, with distinctive yellow or light-colored stripes along the neck, which gives it the "striped-neck" name. The limbs are webbed, aiding in swimming.


  • Natural Range: The Caspian pond turtle is native to regions around the Caspian Sea, including Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and some parts of the Caucasus.

  • Preferred Habitat: These turtles inhabit a variety of freshwater environments, such as rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, and marshes. They prefer slow-moving or still waters with abundant vegetation.

                    caspian pond turtle for sale

Behavior and Diet

  • Diet: The Caspian pond turtle is omnivorous. Its diet includes aquatic plants, insects, mollusks, crustaceans, and small fish. Juveniles are more carnivorous, while adults tend to eat more plant material.

  • Behavior: These turtles are semi-aquatic, spending time both in the water and basking on rocks or logs. They are diurnal, being most active during the day.

  • Breeding: Mating typically occurs in spring, and females lay eggs on land in sandy or muddy areas. The eggs incubate for 2-3 months before hatching.

Lifespan and Conservation

  • Lifespan: In the wild, Caspian pond turtles can live up to 20-30 years or more, with proper conditions in captivity potentially extending this.

  • Conservation Status: The Caspian pond turtle is not currently listed as endangered, but it faces threats from habitat loss, pollution, and illegal pet trade. Conservation efforts focus on habitat protection and reducing human impact on their environments.

Temperature and Environmental Needs (in Captivity)

  • Water Temperature: 24-28°C (75-82°F).

  • Basking Temperature: 30-35°C (86-95°F).

  • pH Level: Slightly alkaline, around 7.5-8.0.

  • UVB Lighting: Essential for vitamin D3 synthesis and calcium metabolism.

Other Notes

  • Handling: Like many turtles, they can be shy and may withdraw into their shells when threatened. Regular, gentle handling can help them become accustomed to human presence.

  • Social Behavior: They can be territorial, especially males, so care should be taken when housing multiple individuals together. we currently have this turtle in stock and we can supply as much as you want. contact us through the website to place an order

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